Title: | Integration of Functions Over Simplices |
Description: | Provides methods to integrate functions over m-dimensional simplices in n-dimensional Euclidean space. There are exact methods for polynomials and adaptive methods for integrating an arbitrary function. |
Authors: | John P. Nolan, with parts adapted from Fortran and matlab code by Alan Genz |
Maintainer: | John P. Nolan <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.3 |
Built: | 2025-02-12 03:54:52 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/SimplicialCubature |
Provides methods to evaluate integrals of the form
where S is a simplex (or a union of simplices) in n-space and f(x) is a function defined on S. The function f(x) may be vector valued and the simplices can be m-dimensional simplices, 1 <= m <=n. For example, if m=n-1, the package will evaluate a surface area integral; if m=1, the package will evaluate a line integral.
There are exact methods for polynomials and adaptive methods for integrating an arbitrary function. The two main functions are:
- integrate a general (possibly vector valued)
function over a simplex using the method of Genz and Cools. It is expected that these
methods will yield several significant digits, but not many digits of precision.
- integrate a single polynomial exactly over a simplex using either
the Grundmann-Moller method or the Lasserre-Avrachenkov method.
The naming of the functions, arguments, and return values deliberately mimics that in the CRAN packages
(for integrating over hyper-rectangles) and SphericalCubature
(for integrating
over spheres and balls).
Please let me know if you find any mistakes. I will try to fix bugs when time is available.
Constructive comments for improvements are welcome; actually implementing any suggestions will be dependent on time constraints.
Version history:
1.0.1 original package
1.1 fix an incorrect test for dimension=1 in SimplexVolume
; add functions SimplexSurfaceArea
. Rename function
to UnitSimplexV
to eliminate name conflict with function in package mvmesh
1.2 miscellaneous small changes.
1.3 Eliminate internal function integrate.vector.fn and replace with a slightly different function adaptIntegrateVectorFunc. This new function is used in the new version of package SphericalCubature.
John P. Nolan, with R translations of adsimp
code by Alan Genz
Maintainer: John P. Nolan <[email protected]>
This research was supported by an agreement with Cornell University, Operations Research & Information Engineering, under contract W911NF-12-1-0385 from the Army Research Development and Engineering Command.
V. Baldoni, N. Berline, J. A. De Loera, M. Koppe, and M. Vergene, How to integrate a polynomial over a simplex, Mathematics of Computation, 80, 297-325 (2011)
A. Genz and R. Cools, An adaptive numerical cubature algorithm for simplices, ACM Trans. Math. Software, 29, 297-308 (2003)
A. Grundmann and H.M. Moller, Invariant Integration Formulas for the n-Simplex by Combinatorial Methods, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 15, 282-289 (1978)
J. B. Lasserre and E. E. Avrachenkov, The Multi-Dimensional Version of
American Mathematical Monthly, 108, 151-154 (2001)
N. Konerth, Exact integration on simplices, Undergraduate Research Paper, Math/Stat Department, American University (2014). Online at http://aladinrc.wrlc.org/handle/1961/14863
Adaptive integration of a function f(x) of n variables over an m-dimensional simplex S, 1 <= m <= n. More generally, f can be a vector valued function and S can be a list of simplices.
adaptIntegrateSimplex(f, S, fDim = 1L, maxEvals = 10000L, absError = 0, tol = 1e-05, integRule = 3L, partitionInfo = FALSE, ...) adaptIntegrateVectorFunc( intervals, fDim, f, maxEvals, absError, tol, partitionInfo=FALSE, ... ) original.coordinates( u, S )
adaptIntegrateSimplex(f, S, fDim = 1L, maxEvals = 10000L, absError = 0, tol = 1e-05, integRule = 3L, partitionInfo = FALSE, ...) adaptIntegrateVectorFunc( intervals, fDim, f, maxEvals, absError, tol, partitionInfo=FALSE, ... ) original.coordinates( u, S )
f |
a function of n-variables (where n is determined by S) or a vector valued function (if fDim > 1). During the cubature process, f will be called with a single point x and it is assumed f(x) returns a vector of length fDim. |
S |
a simplex or list of simplices that specify the region of integration. A single simplex S is given by an n x (m+1) matrix, where n is the dimension of the underlying space and m is the dimension of the simplex, 1 <= m <= n. In this case, the columns S[,1],...,S[,m+1] are the vertices of the m-dimensional simplex. If S is an n x (m+1) x k array, then the region of integration is the union of the simplices S[,,1],...,S[,,k], each of the above form. |
fDim |
integer dimension of the integrand function. |
maxEvals |
integer maximum number of function evaluations allowed |
absError |
requested absolute error in the computation of the integral |
tol |
requested relative error in the computation of the integral |
integRule |
integer in the range 1:4 specifying degree of integration rule: a (2*integRule+1) degree integration rule is used in function adsimp. |
partitionInfo |
if FALSE, then only the results of the computations are returned. If TRUE, then partition information is also returned for the final subdivision of the region. This will require more memory, but sometimes that information can be useful for other purposes. |
... |
optional arguments to integrand function f(x,...) |
intervals |
(1 x 2 x k) array of intervals for univariate integration |
u |
point in m-dim. space |
If m=n, then an R translation of Alan Genz's function adsimp(...) is used to evaluate the n-dimensional integral. It works by adaptively splitting the region of integration into finer partitions, always splitting the simplex with the largest estimated error.
If 1 < m < n, then the integral is evaluated by mapping the m-simplex in R^n to the canonical simplex in m-dimensional space, using function adsimp on that ‘full’ m-dimensional integral, and correcting with the Jacobian of the transformation.
If m=1, the function adaptIntegrateVectorFunc is used to evaluate the line intergral. It uses the built-in R function integrate (from QUADPACK 1-dimensional adaptive quadrature) to evaluate the line integral. Since it does not provide access to the final subdivision, partitionInfo=TRUE in the univariate case returns the original partition information. So, if a fine parition is desired in the m=1 case, start with a fine partition. For consistentcy with adaptIntegrateSimplex, it is assumed that the integrand function f computes fDim values when called with a single x value. Since the integrate function does not handle vector integrands, the ingration is done one coordinate at a time. This will be inefficient when fDim > 1 and evaluation of f is complicated; consistent behavior of the integrand function was choosen over efficiency.
A list containing:
integral |
estimated value of the integral, it is a vector if fDim > 1 |
estAbsError |
estimated absolute error |
functionEvaluations |
count of number of function evaluations |
returnCode |
integer status: returnCode=0 is a successful return; non-zero error values are described by next variable |
message |
text message explaining returnCode; "OK" for normal return |
subsimplices |
if partitionInfo=TRUE, this gives an array of subsimplices, see function adsimp for more details. |
subsimplicesIntegral |
if partitionInfo=TRUE, this array gives estimated values of each component of the integral on each subsimplex, see function adsimp for more details. |
subsimplicesAbsError |
if partitionInfo=TRUE, this array gives estimated values of the absolute error of each component of the integral on each subsimplex, see function adsimp for more details. |
subsimplicesVolume |
if partitionInfo=TRUE, vector of m-dim. volumes of subsimplices; this is not d-dim. volume if m < n. |
No check is done on the simplices to see that they are disjoint.
When m > 1 and fDim > 1, adsimp uses the same grid for each coordinate of f.
When m=1 and fDim > 1, the components of the integral are evaluated independently, with an upper limit of maxEvals function evaluations for each component. This means that (a) a different grid may be used for each component, and (b) the return variable functionEvaluations is the sum of the number of function evaluations for each component; it may be up to maxEvals*fDim.
In keeping with Genz's original code, the vertices of the simplex described by S are column vectors, not row vectors.
See references to Genz and Cool (2003) in SimplicialCubature-package
n <- 4 S <- CanonicalSimplex( n ) f1 <- function( x ) { x[1]^3 } adaptIntegrateSimplex( f1, S ) # correct answer 0.00119047619 str( adaptIntegrateSimplex( f1, S, partitionInfo=TRUE ) ) # same result, with more info returned # test with vector valued integrand f2 <- function( x ) { c(x[1]^3,x[3]^4) } adaptIntegrateSimplex( f2, S, fDim=2 ) # correct answer 0.00119047619 0.0005952380952 # test with vector valued integrand and extra arguments f3 <- function( x, extra.arg ) { extra.arg*c(x[1]^3,x[3]^4) } # multiple of f2 above adaptIntegrateSimplex( f3, S, fDim=2, extra.arg=100 ) # correct answer 0.119047619 0.05952380952 # integrate over lower dimensional simplices adaptIntegrateSimplex( f1, UnitSimplexV(4) ) # answer = 0.01666667 f4 <- function(x) { 1 } # 2-dim integral, exact answer area of unit simplex = sqrt(3)/2 = 0.8660254... adaptIntegrateSimplex( f4, UnitSimplexV(3) ) # line integral over diamond in 2-dim, exact answer=arclength=4*sqrt(2)=5.656854... S4 <- array( c( 1,0, 0,1, 0,1, -1,0, -1,0, 0,-1, 0,-1, 1,0) , dim=c(2,2,4) ) adaptIntegrateSimplex( f4, S4 ) adaptIntegrateSimplex( f4, S4, partitionInfo=TRUE )
n <- 4 S <- CanonicalSimplex( n ) f1 <- function( x ) { x[1]^3 } adaptIntegrateSimplex( f1, S ) # correct answer 0.00119047619 str( adaptIntegrateSimplex( f1, S, partitionInfo=TRUE ) ) # same result, with more info returned # test with vector valued integrand f2 <- function( x ) { c(x[1]^3,x[3]^4) } adaptIntegrateSimplex( f2, S, fDim=2 ) # correct answer 0.00119047619 0.0005952380952 # test with vector valued integrand and extra arguments f3 <- function( x, extra.arg ) { extra.arg*c(x[1]^3,x[3]^4) } # multiple of f2 above adaptIntegrateSimplex( f3, S, fDim=2, extra.arg=100 ) # correct answer 0.119047619 0.05952380952 # integrate over lower dimensional simplices adaptIntegrateSimplex( f1, UnitSimplexV(4) ) # answer = 0.01666667 f4 <- function(x) { 1 } # 2-dim integral, exact answer area of unit simplex = sqrt(3)/2 = 0.8660254... adaptIntegrateSimplex( f4, UnitSimplexV(3) ) # line integral over diamond in 2-dim, exact answer=arclength=4*sqrt(2)=5.656854... S4 <- array( c( 1,0, 0,1, 0,1, -1,0, -1,0, 0,-1, 0,-1, 1,0) , dim=c(2,2,4) ) adaptIntegrateSimplex( f4, S4 ) adaptIntegrateSimplex( f4, S4, partitionInfo=TRUE )
adsimp is a translation of Alan Genz's matlab program adsimp.m to adaptively integrate over a simplex. The other functions listed below are all called by adsimp. These functions are used internally; use at your own risk.
adsimp(ND, VRTS, NF, F, MXFS, EA, ER, KEY, partitionInfo = FALSE ) adsimp.return.message( rcode ) SMPCHC(ND, NF, MXFS, EA, ER, SBS, KEY) SMPDFS(ND, NF, F, TOP, SBS, VRTS) SMPRMS(N, KEY) SMPRUL(ND, VRTS, VOL, NF, F, G, W, PTS) SMPSAD(ND, NF, F, MXFS, EA, ER, KEY, RCLS, SBS, VRTS, partitionInfo ) SMPSMS(N, VERTEX, NF, F, G)
adsimp(ND, VRTS, NF, F, MXFS, EA, ER, KEY, partitionInfo = FALSE ) adsimp.return.message( rcode ) SMPCHC(ND, NF, MXFS, EA, ER, SBS, KEY) SMPDFS(ND, NF, F, TOP, SBS, VRTS) SMPRMS(N, KEY) SMPRUL(ND, VRTS, VOL, NF, F, G, W, PTS) SMPSAD(ND, NF, F, MXFS, EA, ER, KEY, RCLS, SBS, VRTS, partitionInfo ) SMPSMS(N, VERTEX, NF, F, G)
ND , N
dimension of the space |
array specifying the simplices |
NF |
dimension of the function; F(x) has NF coordinates |
F |
a function of ND variables, value F(x) has NF coordinates |
rcode |
an integer return code from adsimp |
maximum number of function evaluations allowed |
EA |
requested absolute error |
ER |
requested relative error |
integration rule |
partitionInfo |
TRUE or FALSE, controls whether or not the function returns information about the final partition. See the comments in function adaptIntegrateSimplex(). |
number of subsimplices |
pointer to a subsimplex |
volume of a simplex |
G |
generators for integration rule |
W |
weights for an integration rule |
points in an integration rule |
number of terms in an integration rule |
Not meant to be used directly, these functions are generally called from function adaptIntegrateSimplex(...).
These are utility functions that are useful when defining/working with simplices in n-dimensional space.
CanonicalSimplex(n) UnitSimplexV(n) SimplexVolume(S) SimplexSurfaceArea(S3) JacobianS2Canonical(S2)
CanonicalSimplex(n) UnitSimplexV(n) SimplexVolume(S) SimplexSurfaceArea(S3) JacobianS2Canonical(S2)
n |
positive integer giving the dimension of the space |
S |
an n x (n+1) matrix specifying a single n-dimensional simplex; the columns S[,1],..,S[,n+1] give the vertices of the simplex. |
S2 |
an n x (m+1) matrix specifying a single m-dimensional simplex, with m <= n; the columns S2[,1],..,S2[,m+1] give the vertices of the simplex. |
S3 |
an n x n matrix specifying a single (n-1)-dimensional simplex inside n-dimensional space; the columns S3[,1],..,S3[,n] give the vertices of the simplex. |
Let e[j] be the j-th standard unit basis vector. CanonicalSimplex(n) gives the simplex with columns being vertices of the canonical simplex in n-dimensions: the n-dim. simplex with vertices (0,0,...,0) and e[1],...,e[n]. A vector (u[1],...,u[n]) is in the canonical simplex if 0 <= u[i] <= 1 for all i and sum(u) <= 1. UnitSimplexV(n) gives the vertices (V-representation) of the unit simplex, namely e[1],...,e[n]. A vector (u[1],...,u[n]) is in the unit simplex if 0 <= u[i] <= 1 for all i and sum(u) == 1. SimplexVolume(S) returns the n-dim. volume of S and SimplexSurfaceArea(S3) computes the (n-1)-dim. surface area of S3. JacobianS2Canonical(S2) returns the Jacobian of the transformation from an m-dim. simplex S2 to the m-dim. canonical simplex.
CanonicalSimplex(3) UnitSimplexV(3) SimplexVolume( CanonicalSimplex(3) ) SimplexSurfaceArea( UnitSimplexV(3) ) JacobianS2Canonical( UnitSimplexV(3) )
CanonicalSimplex(3) UnitSimplexV(3) SimplexVolume( CanonicalSimplex(3) ) SimplexSurfaceArea( UnitSimplexV(3) ) JacobianS2Canonical( UnitSimplexV(3) )
Utility functions to work with a multivariate polynomial.
definePoly(coef, k) printPoly( p, num.digits ) evalPoly( x, p, useTerm=rep(TRUE, length(p$coef) ) )
definePoly(coef, k) printPoly( p, num.digits ) evalPoly( x, p, useTerm=rep(TRUE, length(p$coef) ) )
coef |
a vector of coefficients, one for each term of p(x) |
k |
a matrix of (non-negative, integer) powers |
p |
a polynomial, defined by definePoly |
num.digits |
number of digits to print for the coefficients of the polynomial |
x |
a (n x m) matrix, with columns containing the vectors where the polynomial should be evaluated |
useTerm |
vector of boolean values: if useTerm[i]=TRUE, term i is included in the evaluation; if useTerm[i]=FALSE, term i is not included. |
These are utility functions for use with integrateSimplexPolynomial. definePoly is used to define a polynomial:
printPoly prints a polynomial in human readable form.
evalPoly evaluates a polynomial at each of the vectors x[,1],x[,2],...,x[,m]. The optional argument useTerm is for internal use.
See example below.
For definePoly, a list is returned. That list can be used by integrateSimplexPolynomial, printPoly, or evalPoly.
For printPoly, nothing is returned, but a human readable format is printed on the console.
For evalPoly, a vector of m values: y[i] = p(x[,i]).
The internal definition of a polynomial may change in the future.
p1 <- definePoly( c(3,5), matrix(c(3,0,0,0, 0,2,1,4), nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE ) ) printPoly(p1) evalPoly( c(1,3,1,2) , p1 ) # f(1,3,1,2) = 723
p1 <- definePoly( c(3,5), matrix(c(3,0,0,0, 0,2,1,4), nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE ) ) printPoly(p1) evalPoly( c(1,3,1,2) , p1 ) # f(1,3,1,2) = 723
Computes an approximation to the integral of a function f(x) over a simplex S. This is an R translation of the matlab function grnmol.m which was written by Alan Genz.
f |
a (real-valued) function f that can be evaluated at all points in V. |
V |
a single simplex, specified by an (n x (n+1)) matrix. The columns V[,1],...,V[,n+1] are the vertices of the simplex. |
s |
a positive integer specifying the order of the rule used |
The Grundmann-Moller algorithm approximates the integral of f(x) over the simplex
V. When f(x) is a polynomial, and s is large enough, the integral is exact.
This function is called by integrateSimplexPolynomial
Q |
a vector of length s+1, with Q[i] the i-th degree approximate value of the integral |
nv |
number of function evaluations used |
See reference by Grundmann and Moller in SimplicialCubature-package
f <- function( x ) { x[1]^2*x[4]^5 } grnmol( f, CanonicalSimplex(4), s=4 )
f <- function( x ) { x[1]^2*x[4]^5 } grnmol( f, CanonicalSimplex(4), s=4 )
Computes the exact integral of a polynomial p(x) over an m-dimensional simplex S in n-dimensional space, 1 <= m <= n. The methods are exact for polynomials, no approximation is used. The only inaccuracies possible are in the floating point evaluation of knots, coefficients, evaluation of the polynomial, sums, and products.
integrateSimplexPolynomial(p, S, method="GM")
integrateSimplexPolynomial(p, S, method="GM")
p |
a single polynomial, defined though function definePoly. |
S |
Either a single simplex, specified by an n x (m+1) matrix with the columns S[,1],...,S[,n+1] giving the vertices of the simplex, or a n x (m+1) x k array with S[,,1],...,S[,,k] each a single simplex as described above. |
method |
either "GM" (for the Grundmann-Moller method) or "LA" (for the Lasserre-Avrenchenkov) method |
If method="GM", the Grundmann-Moller method is used; it is exact for polynomials (because the function chooses a rule of high enough degree for the degree of the polynomial p(x)). This is faster, requiring fewer function evaluations. This method works for n >=1 and 1 <= m <= n.
If method="LA", the algorithm splits the polynomial into terms that are homogeneous of degree q, uses the method of Lasserre and Avrachenkov to exactly integrate those terms, and sums over all degrees. This method is slower, requiring more function evaluations. The degree of the polynomial has more effect on execution time than the number of terms or number of variables. This method only works with n > 1 and m=n.
integral |
value of the integral |
functionEvaluations |
number of function evaluations used |
See references in SimplicialCubature-package
S <- CanonicalSimplex( 4 ) # 4-dim. simplex p1 <- definePoly( 1.0, matrix( c(2,0,0,5), nrow=1) ) printPoly(p1) # same as example for function grnmol( ), but explicitly using the fact that the integrand # function is a polynomial, and automatic selection of the order of the integration rule integrateSimplexPolynomial( p1, S, method="GM" ) integrateSimplexPolynomial( p1, S, method="LA" ) p2 <- definePoly( c(5,-6), matrix( c(3,1,0,0, 0,0,0,7), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE) ) printPoly( p2 ) integrateSimplexPolynomial( p2, S, method="GM" ) # correct answer -1.352814e-05 integrateSimplexPolynomial( p2, S, method="LA" ) # correct answer -1.352814e-05 # integrate random polynomials and random simplices in different dimensions for (n in 3:5) { S <- matrix( rnorm(n*(n+1)), nrow=n, ncol=n+1 ) p.rand <- definePoly( rnorm(1), matrix( c(4, rep(0,n-1)), nrow=1 ) ) #printPoly(p.rand) tmp1 <- integrateSimplexPolynomial( p.rand, S, method="GM" ) tmp2 <- integrateSimplexPolynomial( p.rand, S, method="LA" ) cat("n=",n," GM integral=",tmp1$integral," functionEvaluations=",tmp1$functionEvaluations, " LA integral=", tmp2$integral, " functionEvaluations=",tmp2$functionEvaluations,"\n") }
S <- CanonicalSimplex( 4 ) # 4-dim. simplex p1 <- definePoly( 1.0, matrix( c(2,0,0,5), nrow=1) ) printPoly(p1) # same as example for function grnmol( ), but explicitly using the fact that the integrand # function is a polynomial, and automatic selection of the order of the integration rule integrateSimplexPolynomial( p1, S, method="GM" ) integrateSimplexPolynomial( p1, S, method="LA" ) p2 <- definePoly( c(5,-6), matrix( c(3,1,0,0, 0,0,0,7), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE) ) printPoly( p2 ) integrateSimplexPolynomial( p2, S, method="GM" ) # correct answer -1.352814e-05 integrateSimplexPolynomial( p2, S, method="LA" ) # correct answer -1.352814e-05 # integrate random polynomials and random simplices in different dimensions for (n in 3:5) { S <- matrix( rnorm(n*(n+1)), nrow=n, ncol=n+1 ) p.rand <- definePoly( rnorm(1), matrix( c(4, rep(0,n-1)), nrow=1 ) ) #printPoly(p.rand) tmp1 <- integrateSimplexPolynomial( p.rand, S, method="GM" ) tmp2 <- integrateSimplexPolynomial( p.rand, S, method="LA" ) cat("n=",n," GM integral=",tmp1$integral," functionEvaluations=",tmp1$functionEvaluations, " LA integral=", tmp2$integral, " functionEvaluations=",tmp2$functionEvaluations,"\n") }
LasserreAvrachenkov implements the exact integration formula for a homogeneous polynomial p of degree q. The other functions are helper functions for that.
LasserreAvrachenkov(q, p, useTerm, S) nextIndexLA(current.n, b) nextIntBaseB(current.n, b)
LasserreAvrachenkov(q, p, useTerm, S) nextIndexLA(current.n, b) nextIntBaseB(current.n, b)
q |
degree of the polynomial p |
p |
polynomial obtained by calling definePoly |
useTerm |
vector of booleans, telling which terms are homogeneous of degree q |
S |
an n x (n+1) matrix specifying a single simplex; the columns S[,1],..,S[,n+1] give the vertices of the simplex. |
current.n |
vector of integers giving the base b representation of a (non-negative) integer |
b |
base used for the base b representation of an integer |
Not meant to be called externally.
See Lasserre and Avrachenkov, Baldoni, et al., and Konerth references in SimplicialCubature-package