Title: | Numerical Integration over Spheres and Balls in n-Dimensions; Multivariate Polar Coordinates |
Description: | Provides several methods to integrate functions over the unit sphere and ball in n-dimensional Euclidean space. Routines for converting to/from multivariate polar/spherical coordinates are also provided. |
Authors: | John P. Nolan, American University |
Maintainer: | John P. Nolan <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.5 |
Built: | 2025-02-24 03:31:56 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/SphericalCubature |
Provides functions to integrate a function f(x)=f(x[1],...,x[n]) over the unit sphere and unit ball in n-dimensional Euclidean space:
where the first integral is over the unit sphere S, an (n-1) dimensional surface,
and the second integral is over the unit ball B, an n dimensional solid.
Vector valued integrands are allowed in some functions; see functions with an argument named fDim
Integration over general sphers and balls can be done by adjusting the integrand function: if S2 is sphere with center x0 and radius R and B2 is a ball with same center and radius, a simple change of variable shows that
See the example in adaptIntegrateBallTri
The package also includes functions to convert to/from polar coordinates in higher dimensions.
There are three cubature methods:
exact methods for polynomials in any dimension (fast)
a method due to Stroud for smooth integrands on the sphere (in dimensions n=3,4,...,16) (slower)
adaptive methods for integrands with different behavior in different regions (slowest)
Methods 2 and 3 are approximations: like any numerical quadrature
algorithm, they may give inaccurate results if the integrand changes abruptly on a small region.
This happens even in one dimension, and is more difficult to find and deal with
in higher dimensions. (One attempt to handle this difficulty is the 'split' versions of the adaptive methods,
functions adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit()
and adaptIntegrateBallPolarSplit()
where one can split the region of integration based on knowledge of the integrand.
This can also be done in functions adaptIntegrateSphereTri()
and adaptIntegrateBallTri()
by specifying an appropriate partition in the simplices.)
It is expected that these methods will yield several significant digits, but not many digits of precision. This seems to be the state of the art in multivariate integration.
Version 1.1 of this package introduces new methods to integrate over spheres.
Earlier versions used only polar coordinate representations of the sphere. Now one
can use both polar representaions and triangulations of the sphere. The latter has advantages in
some cases: it avoids the problems with polar coordinates giving regions that are sometimes
rectangles and sometimes triangles (which occurs at the poles), triangles can be approximately
equal area in any dimension, etc. While adding these new routines,
names became confusing. Apologies to anyone who has trouble because of this, but it seems
better in the long run to explicitly name functions based on their approach. Hence
has been renamed adaptIntegrateSpherePolar()
to indicate
that it uses polar coordinates, while the functions adaptIntegrateSphereTri()
uses spherical triangles.
An explicit goal was to get beyond the cases where n=2, so some efficiency has been sacrificed. In all the methods, the higher the dimension n, the longer the compute time. For methods 2 and 3, compute times get noticeable when n > 5. One application that motivated this package required the ability to work reliably with integrands that have spikes. That requires some sort of adaptive technique, with the possibility of telling the integration algorithm where the spikes are.
This package is an attempt to provide methods for integrating over spheres and balls in multiple dimensions, not a final answer. One possible improvement is speed: coding routines in C would give a significant increase in speed. Another possible extension is to include other multivariate integration methods, e.g. the package R2cuba. This may provide a way to approximate higher dimensional integrals in some cases, if the integrand is well behaved.
Please let me know if you find any mistakes. Constructive comments for improvements are welcome. Fixing bugs or implementing suggestions will be dependent on my workload.
Version history:
1.0.0 (2013-05-16) original package
1.0.1 (2013-05-24) fix mistake in adaptIntegrateBallPolarSplit
, fix example in integratePolynomialSphere
, add more documentation
1.0.2 (2013-12-18) add function adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d
to integrate over spherical triangles in 3-dimensions
1.1 (2016-05-14) add function adaptIntegrateSphereTri
to integrate over spherical triangles in n-dimensions.
1.2 (2016-07-23) improve adaptIntegrateSphereTri
where the integration over octants worked, but integrals over other subdivisions did not.
New version works over any subdivision that doesn't cross into different octants (this is checked).
Minor changes to documentation were made and more checks on input values were added.
1.3 (2017-09-16) Improve changes in version 1.2: remove the restricition on simplices in adaptIntegrateSphereTri
the input simplices are analyzed and if a simplex is in more than one orthant, it is automatically subdivided, giving a
list of simplices that exactly cover the same part of the sphere and respect each orthant.
Fix adaptIntegrateSphericalCubatureTri to correctly pass optional arguments to the integrand function.
Change the word "octant" to "orthant" throughout the code to stress that the code works in higher dimensions.
1.4 (2017-09-16) minor tweaks
1.5 (2021-01-04) (a) Fix bug in function rect2polar()
(conversion from rectangular to
polar coordinates) that occurred along an axis. Thanks to Prof. Eckard Liebscher for
finding this mistake. (b) Add function adaptIntegrateBallSimplices()
(c) Use the new function adaptIntegrateVectorFunc()
from package
SimplicialCubature to handle the 2-dimensional case of integrating over a sphere.
(d) Add a required argument to function adaptIntegrateSphereTri()
(e) Add function adaptIntegrateBallRadial()
to integrate a radial function over the unit ball.
(f) Recode function Orthants()
to be a standalone
function, not requiring package mvmesh
. (g) add to documentation.
John P. Nolan
Maintainer: John P. Nolan <[email protected]>
This research was supported by an agreement with Cornell University, Operations Research & Information Engineering, under contract W911NF-12-1-0385 from the Army Research Development and Engineering Command.
, integrateBallPolynomial
, sphereArea
, ballVolume
, rect2polar
, adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit
, adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d
, adaptIntegrateBallPolarSplit
# integral should just be the area of sphere in n dimensions f1 <- function( x ) { return(1.0) } n <- 3 adaptIntegrateBallTri( f1, n ) # exact answer = volume of ball = (4/3)*pi = 4.18879 # other methods integrateSphereStroud11( f1, n ) adaptIntegrateSpherePolar( f1, n )$integral # exact value for a polynomial p <- list(coef=1.0,k=matrix( rep(0L,n), nrow=1,ncol=n)) integrateSpherePolynomial( p ) # test of exact polynomial integration f2 <- function( x ) { return(x[1]^2) } sphereArea(n)/n # exact answer integrateSphereStroud11( f2, n ) p <- list(coef=1.0,k=matrix( c(2L,rep(0L,n-1)), nrow=1) ) integrateSpherePolynomial( p ) adaptIntegrateSpherePolar( f2, n )$integral # integration over a ball adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f1, n ) # exact answer = surface area of sphere = 4*pi = 12.56637 # vector valued integrands f3 <- function( x ) { c( x[1]^2, x[2]^3 ) } adaptIntegrateBallTri( f3, n, fDim=2 ) adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f3, n, fDim=2 ) # radial function g <- function( x ) { sum(x^2) } adaptIntegrateBallRadial( g, n=3 ) # for more examples enter: demo(SphericalCubature)
# integral should just be the area of sphere in n dimensions f1 <- function( x ) { return(1.0) } n <- 3 adaptIntegrateBallTri( f1, n ) # exact answer = volume of ball = (4/3)*pi = 4.18879 # other methods integrateSphereStroud11( f1, n ) adaptIntegrateSpherePolar( f1, n )$integral # exact value for a polynomial p <- list(coef=1.0,k=matrix( rep(0L,n), nrow=1,ncol=n)) integrateSpherePolynomial( p ) # test of exact polynomial integration f2 <- function( x ) { return(x[1]^2) } sphereArea(n)/n # exact answer integrateSphereStroud11( f2, n ) p <- list(coef=1.0,k=matrix( c(2L,rep(0L,n-1)), nrow=1) ) integrateSpherePolynomial( p ) adaptIntegrateSpherePolar( f2, n )$integral # integration over a ball adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f1, n ) # exact answer = surface area of sphere = 4*pi = 12.56637 # vector valued integrands f3 <- function( x ) { c( x[1]^2, x[2]^3 ) } adaptIntegrateBallTri( f3, n, fDim=2 ) adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f3, n, fDim=2 ) # radial function g <- function( x ) { sum(x^2) } adaptIntegrateBallRadial( g, n=3 ) # for more examples enter: demo(SphericalCubature)
Adaptively integrate a function over the ball, specified by a set of spherical triangles
to define a ball (or a part of a ball).
Function adaptIntegrateBallTri()
uses spherical triangles and
works in n-dimensions; it uses function adaptIntegrateSimplex()
in R package SimplicialCubature
, which is
based on code of Alan Genz. adaptIntegrateBallRadial()
integrates radial functions of the form
f(x) = g(|x|) over the unit ball.
adaptIntegrateBallTri( f, n, S=Orthants(n), fDim=1L, maxEvals=20000L, absError=0.0, tol=1.0e-5, integRule=3L, partitionInfo=FALSE, ... ) adaptIntegrateBallRadial( g, n, fDim=1, maxEvals=20000L, absError=0.0, tol=1e-05, integRule=3L, partitionInfo=FALSE, ... )
adaptIntegrateBallTri( f, n, S=Orthants(n), fDim=1L, maxEvals=20000L, absError=0.0, tol=1.0e-5, integRule=3L, partitionInfo=FALSE, ... ) adaptIntegrateBallRadial( g, n, fDim=1, maxEvals=20000L, absError=0.0, tol=1e-05, integRule=3L, partitionInfo=FALSE, ... )
f |
integrand function f defined on the sphere in R^n |
g |
inegrand function g defined on the real line |
n |
dimension of the space |
S |
array of spherical triangles, dim(S)=c(n,n,nS). Columns of S should be points on the unit sphere: sum(S[,i,j]^2)=1. Execution will be faster if every simplex S[,,j] is
contained within any single orthant. This will happend automatically if function |
fDim |
integer dimension of the integrand function |
maxEvals |
maximum number of evaluations allowed |
absError |
desired absolute error |
tol |
desired relative tolerance |
integRule |
integration rule to use in call to function |
partitionInfo |
if TRUE, return the final partition after subdivision |
... |
optional arguments to function f(x,...) or g(x,...) |
takes as input a function
f defined on the unit sphere in n-dimensions and a list of spherical triangles S and attempts to
integrate f over (part of) the unit sphere described by S. It uses the R package SimplicialCubature
evaluate the integrals. The spherical triangles in S should individually be contained
in an orthant.
If the integrand is nonsmooth, you can specify a set of spherical triangles that focus the cubature routines
on that region. See the example below with integrand function f3
A list containing
status |
a string describing result, ideally it should be "success", otherwise it is an error/warning message. |
integral |
approximation to the value of the integral |
I0 |
vector of approximate integral over each triangle in K |
numRef |
number of refinements |
nk |
number of triangles in K |
K |
array of spherical triangles after subdivision, dim(K)=c(3,3,nk) |
est.error |
estimated error |
subsimplices |
if partitionInfo=TRUE, this gives an array of subsimplices, see function adsimp for more details. |
subsimplicesIntegral |
if partitionInfo=TRUE, this array gives estimated values of each component of the integral on each subsimplex, see function adsimp for more details. |
subsimplicesAbsError |
if partitionInfo=TRUE, this array gives estimated values of the absolute error of each component of the integral on each subsimplex, see function adsimp for more details. |
subsimplicesVolume |
if partitionInfo=TRUE, vector of m-dim. volumes of subsimplices; this is not d-dim. volume if m < n. |
# integrate over ball in R^3 n <- 3 f <- function( x ) { x[1]^2 } adaptIntegrateBallTri( f, n ) # integrate over first orthant only S <- Orthants( n, positive.only=TRUE ) a <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f, n, S ) b <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d( f, S ) # exact answer, adaptIntegrateSphereTri approximation, adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d approximation sphereArea(n)/(8*n); a$integral; b$integral # integrate a vector valued function f2 <- function( x ) { c(x[1]^2,x[2]^3) } adaptIntegrateBallTri( f2, n=2, fDim=2 ) # example of specifiying spherical triangles that make the integration easier f3 <- function( x ) { sqrt( abs( x[1]-3*x[2] ) ) } # has a cusp along the line x[1]=3*x[2] a <- adaptIntegrateBallTri( f3, n=2, absError=0.0001, partitionInfo=TRUE ) str(a) # note that returnCode = 1, e.g. maxEvals exceeded # define problem specific spherical triangles, using direction of the cusp phi <- atan(1/3); c1 <- cos(phi); s1 <- sin(phi) S <- array( c(1,0,c1,s1, c1,s1,0,1, 0,1,-1,0, -1,0,-c1,-s1, -c1,-s1,0,-1, 0,-1,1,0), dim=c(2,2,6) ) b <- adaptIntegrateBallTri( f3, n=2, S, absError=0.0001, partitionInfo=TRUE ) str(b) # here returnCode=0, less than 1/2 the function evaluations and smaller estAbsError # integrate x[1]^2 over nested balls of radius 2 and 5 (see discussion in ?SphericalCubature) f4 <- function( x ) { c( 2^2 * (2*x[1])^2, 5^2 * (5*x[1])^2 ) } bb <- adaptIntegrateBallTri( f4, n=2, fDim=2 ) str(bb) bb$integral[2]-bb$integral[1] # = integral of x[1]^2 over the annulus 2 <= |x| <= 5
# integrate over ball in R^3 n <- 3 f <- function( x ) { x[1]^2 } adaptIntegrateBallTri( f, n ) # integrate over first orthant only S <- Orthants( n, positive.only=TRUE ) a <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f, n, S ) b <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d( f, S ) # exact answer, adaptIntegrateSphereTri approximation, adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d approximation sphereArea(n)/(8*n); a$integral; b$integral # integrate a vector valued function f2 <- function( x ) { c(x[1]^2,x[2]^3) } adaptIntegrateBallTri( f2, n=2, fDim=2 ) # example of specifiying spherical triangles that make the integration easier f3 <- function( x ) { sqrt( abs( x[1]-3*x[2] ) ) } # has a cusp along the line x[1]=3*x[2] a <- adaptIntegrateBallTri( f3, n=2, absError=0.0001, partitionInfo=TRUE ) str(a) # note that returnCode = 1, e.g. maxEvals exceeded # define problem specific spherical triangles, using direction of the cusp phi <- atan(1/3); c1 <- cos(phi); s1 <- sin(phi) S <- array( c(1,0,c1,s1, c1,s1,0,1, 0,1,-1,0, -1,0,-c1,-s1, -c1,-s1,0,-1, 0,-1,1,0), dim=c(2,2,6) ) b <- adaptIntegrateBallTri( f3, n=2, S, absError=0.0001, partitionInfo=TRUE ) str(b) # here returnCode=0, less than 1/2 the function evaluations and smaller estAbsError # integrate x[1]^2 over nested balls of radius 2 and 5 (see discussion in ?SphericalCubature) f4 <- function( x ) { c( 2^2 * (2*x[1])^2, 5^2 * (5*x[1])^2 ) } bb <- adaptIntegrateBallTri( f4, n=2, fDim=2 ) str(bb) bb$integral[2]-bb$integral[1] # = integral of x[1]^2 over the annulus 2 <= |x| <= 5
Approximate the integral over the sphere or ball in n-dimensions using polar
coordinates. Can also integrate over sectors of the sphere/ball, see details. These functions
will be slow, but may be necessary to get accurate answers if the integrand
function f(x) is not smooth. If the integrand changes rapidly
in certain regions, the basic routines adaptIntegrateSpherePolar()
codeadaptIntegrateBallPolar() will likely miss these abrupt changes and give
inaccurate results. For cases where the location of the rapid changes are known,
the functions adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit()
allow you to split the region of integration
and capture those changes.
adaptIntegrateSpherePolar(f, n, lowerLimit = rep(0, n - 1), upperLimit = c(rep(pi, n - 2), 2 * pi), tol = 1e-05, ...) adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit(f, n, xstar, width = 0, lowerLimit = rep(0, n - 1), upperLimit = c(rep(pi, n - 2), 2 * pi), tol = 1e-05, ...) adaptIntegrateBallPolar(f, n, lowerLimit = rep(0, n - 1), upperLimit = c(rep(pi, n - 2), 2 * pi), R = c(0, 1), tol = 1e-05, ...) adaptIntegrateBallPolarSplit(f, n, xstar, width = 0, lowerLimit = rep(0, n - 1), upperLimit = c(rep(pi, n - 2), 2 * pi), R = c(0, 1), tol = 1e-05, ...)
adaptIntegrateSpherePolar(f, n, lowerLimit = rep(0, n - 1), upperLimit = c(rep(pi, n - 2), 2 * pi), tol = 1e-05, ...) adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit(f, n, xstar, width = 0, lowerLimit = rep(0, n - 1), upperLimit = c(rep(pi, n - 2), 2 * pi), tol = 1e-05, ...) adaptIntegrateBallPolar(f, n, lowerLimit = rep(0, n - 1), upperLimit = c(rep(pi, n - 2), 2 * pi), R = c(0, 1), tol = 1e-05, ...) adaptIntegrateBallPolarSplit(f, n, xstar, width = 0, lowerLimit = rep(0, n - 1), upperLimit = c(rep(pi, n - 2), 2 * pi), R = c(0, 1), tol = 1e-05, ...)
f |
Integrand function f(x)=f(x[1],...,x[n]). |
n |
dimension of the space. The sphere is an (n-1) dimensional manifold inside n-space, the ball is an n-dimensional solid. |
lowerLimit |
Polar angular coordinates of lower limit |
upperLimit |
Polar angular coordinates of upper limit |
tol |
tolerance, the desired accuracy of the result. The functions try to get abs(exact-integral) < tol |
... |
optional arguments passed to f. If used, these should be specified with a tag, e. g. param1=7 |
R |
a numeric vector of length 2, integration is performed over the region with R[1] < radius < R[2]. |
xstar |
(n x m) matrix whose columns give the directions where the integrand changes quickly, where the region will be subdivided to focus on that region. (The length of a column vector is not used, just it's direction.) |
width |
width of 'splitting regions', a vector of length m. If it is of length 1, then that value is repeated for each j in 1:m. If width[j]=0, the angular region is split just at the points given by the columns xstar[ ,j]. If width[j] > 0, then angular region is split at an angle plus and minus width[j]. |
Approximate the integral of f(x) over all/part of the sphere or ball in n-space.
The approach is simplistic: reparameterize the
region in polar coordinates. For the sphere, this makes the region of integration a rectangle
in dimension (n-1) in the angle space (here the radius is fixed: R=1). For the ball, the polar representation in terms
of angles and radius gives an region of integration that is an n dimensional rectangle.
The R package cubature
is used to evaluate the transformed integral.
The region of integration can be a subset of the sphere/ball by specifying a
patch/sector in polar coordinates.
To integrate over a subregion, bounds for the polar integration have be specified. For example,
in two dimensions, you can integrate over the top half of the circle by specifying lowerLimit=0.0
and upperLimit=pi to adaptIntegrateSpherePolar()
. Likewise for the ball, to integrate over the part of the annulus
with inner radius .2 and outer radius .7 that is in the first quadrant, specify
lowerLimit=0.0, upperLimit=pi/2, R=c(.2,.7).
For adaptIntegrateSpherePolar()
and adaptIntegrateBallPolar()
, the function returns a
list containing several fields. There is always a field
integral |
Giving the approximate value of the integral. |
The other fields depend on the dimension: when n=2, the other fields are
what is returned by the function integrate()
in base R;
when n > 2, the other fields are the fields returned by package cubature
For adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit()
and adaptIntegrateBallPolarSplit()
, a single value is returned. (This is
because these functions make multiple calls to the adaptive integration routine and the
results of each call are not saved.
f1 <- function( x ) { return(x[1]^2+3*x[2]+exp(x[3])) } n <- 3 adaptIntegrateSpherePolar( f1, n ) adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit( f1, n, xstar=matrix(c(1,1,1),nrow=3) ) adaptIntegrateBallPolar( f1, n ) adaptIntegrateBallPolarSplit( f1, n, xstar=matrix(c(1,1,1),nrow=3) ) # test of adaptive integration with deliberate splitting # function f3 has a sharp spike in the direction (1,2), # elsewhere it has value 1 f3 <- function( x ) { x0 <- c(1.0,2.0)/sqrt(5.0) dist <- sqrt(sum( (x-x0)^2) ) y <- 10-5000*dist y <- 1 + max(y,0) return(y) } # no splitting: this straightforward attempt at integration misses # the spike and sees the integrand as =1 everywhere, so returns 2*pi n <- 2 adaptIntegrateSpherePolar( f3, n ) # deliberate splitting at specified points, but still misses spike # default width=0 splits the region of integration from [0,2*pi] to [0,a] union [a,2*pi], # where tan(a)=2/1. xstar <- matrix( c(1.0,2.0,-1.0,1.0), nrow=2 ) adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit( f3, n, xstar=xstar ) # deliberate splitting around specified points, 'smart' choice of width gets the spike # Here the region of integration is split into [0,a-.01] U [a-.01,a+.01] U [a+.01,2*pi] adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit( f3, n, xstar=xstar, width=c(0.01,0.01) )
f1 <- function( x ) { return(x[1]^2+3*x[2]+exp(x[3])) } n <- 3 adaptIntegrateSpherePolar( f1, n ) adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit( f1, n, xstar=matrix(c(1,1,1),nrow=3) ) adaptIntegrateBallPolar( f1, n ) adaptIntegrateBallPolarSplit( f1, n, xstar=matrix(c(1,1,1),nrow=3) ) # test of adaptive integration with deliberate splitting # function f3 has a sharp spike in the direction (1,2), # elsewhere it has value 1 f3 <- function( x ) { x0 <- c(1.0,2.0)/sqrt(5.0) dist <- sqrt(sum( (x-x0)^2) ) y <- 10-5000*dist y <- 1 + max(y,0) return(y) } # no splitting: this straightforward attempt at integration misses # the spike and sees the integrand as =1 everywhere, so returns 2*pi n <- 2 adaptIntegrateSpherePolar( f3, n ) # deliberate splitting at specified points, but still misses spike # default width=0 splits the region of integration from [0,2*pi] to [0,a] union [a,2*pi], # where tan(a)=2/1. xstar <- matrix( c(1.0,2.0,-1.0,1.0), nrow=2 ) adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit( f3, n, xstar=xstar ) # deliberate splitting around specified points, 'smart' choice of width gets the spike # Here the region of integration is split into [0,a-.01] U [a-.01,a+.01] U [a+.01,2*pi] adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit( f3, n, xstar=xstar, width=c(0.01,0.01) )
Adaptively integrate a function over a set of spherical triangles.
Function adaptIntegrateSphereTri()
uses spherical triangles and
works in n-dimensions; it uses function adaptIntegrateSimplex()
in package SimplicialCubature, which is
based on code of Alan Genz. adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d()
works only in 3-dimensions and is
described in the paper by N. Boal and F-J. Sayas; it is not as sophisticated and is slower than adaptIntegrateSphereTri()
, but can be useful and is self contained.
adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f, n, S, fDim=1L, maxEvals=20000L, absError=0.0, tol=1.0e-5, integRule=3L, partitionInfo=FALSE, ... ) adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d( f, S, maxRef=50, relTol=0.001, maxTri=50000, gamma=1.5 ) adaptIntegrateSphereTriI0( f, K ) adaptIntegrateSphereTriI1( f, K ) adaptIntegrateSphereTriSubdivideK( K )
adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f, n, S, fDim=1L, maxEvals=20000L, absError=0.0, tol=1.0e-5, integRule=3L, partitionInfo=FALSE, ... ) adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d( f, S, maxRef=50, relTol=0.001, maxTri=50000, gamma=1.5 ) adaptIntegrateSphereTriI0( f, K ) adaptIntegrateSphereTriI1( f, K ) adaptIntegrateSphereTriSubdivideK( K )
f |
function f defined on the sphere |
S |
array of spherical triangles, dim(S)=c(n,n,nS). Columns of S should be points on the unit sphere: sum(S[,i,j]^2)=1. Execution will be faster if every simplex S[,,j] is
contained within any single orthant. This will happend automatically if function |
n |
dimension of the ball |
fDim |
integer dimension of the integrand function |
maxEvals |
maximum number of evaluations allowed |
absError |
desired absolute error |
tol |
desired relative tolerance |
integRule |
integration rule to use in call to function |
partitionInfo |
if TRUE, return the final partition after subdivision |
... |
optional arguments to function f(x,...) |
maxRef |
maximum number of refinements allowed |
relTol |
desired relative tolerance |
maxTri |
maximum number of triangles allowed while refining |
gamma |
threshold parameter for when a triangle is subdivided, should be >= 1 |
K |
a single spherical triangle in 3 space, dim(K)=c(3,3) |
takes as input a function
f defined on the unit sphere in 3-dimensions and a list of spherical triangles K0 and attempts to
integrate f over the part of the unit sphere described by K0. The triangles in K0 should individually contained
in an orthant. The algorithm estimates the integral over each triangle, then estimates error on each triangle,
and subdivides triangles with large errors. This is repeated until either the desired accuracy is achieved,
or there are too many subdivisions.
Functions adaptIntegrateSphereI0()
, adaptIntegrateSphereI1()
, and adaptIntegrateSphereSubdivideK()
are internal
functions that compute the integral I0 for a spherical triangle, integral I1 for a spherical triangle, and subdivide
spherical triangle K into 4 smaller spherical triangles (using midpoints of each side).
takes as input a function
f defined on the unit sphere in n-dimensions and a list of spherical triangles S and attempts to
integrate f over (part of) the unit sphere described by S. It uses the R package SimplicialCubature
evaluate the integrals. The spherical triangles in S should individually be contained
in an orthant. The algorithm estimates the integral over each triangle, then estimates error on each triangle,
and subdivides triangles with large errors. This is repeated until either the desired accuracy is achieved,
or there are too many subdivisions. This function is more general than adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d
in two
ways: (1) it works in dimension n >= 2, and (2) it allows vector integrands f. It also is generaly faster
than adaptIntegrateSphereTri()
. Use the function Orthants()
to get a rough triangulation of
the sphere; see the examples below. For finer resolution triangulation can be obtained from
in R package mvmesh
For description of adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d()
see www.unizar.es/galdeano/actas_pau/PDFVIII/pp61-69.pdf.
Thoughtful choice of the spherical trianges can result in faster and more accurate results, see the example below with
function f3()
A list containing
status |
a string describing result, ideally it should be "success", otherwise it is an error/warning message. |
integral |
approximation to the value of the integral |
I0 |
vector of approximate integral over each triangle in K |
numRef |
number of refinements |
nk |
number of triangles in K |
K |
array of spherical triangles after subdivision, dim(K)=c(3,3,nk) |
est.error |
estimated error |
subsimplices |
if partitionInfo=TRUE, this gives an array of subsimplices, see function adsimp for more details. |
subsimplicesIntegral |
if partitionInfo=TRUE, this array gives estimated values of each component of the integral on each subsimplex, see function adsimp for more details. |
subsimplicesAbsError |
if partitionInfo=TRUE, this array gives estimated values of the absolute error of each component of the integral on each subsimplex, see function adsimp for more details. |
subsimplicesVolume |
if partitionInfo=TRUE, vector of m-dim. volumes of subsimplices; this is not d-dim. volume if m < n. |
# test of polynomial integration f(s)=s[1]^2 f <- function( s ) { return( s[1]^2 ) } n <- 3 # integrate over whole sphere S <- Orthants( n ) a <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f, n, S ) b <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d( f, S ) # exact answer, adaptIntegrateSphereTri approximation, adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d approximation sphereArea(n)/n; a$integral; b$integral # integrate over first orthant only S <- Orthants( n, positive.only=TRUE ) a <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f, n, S ) b <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d( f, S ) # exact answer, adaptIntegrateSphereTri approximation, adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d approximation sphereArea(n)/(8*n); a$integral; b$integral # example of specifiying spherical triangles that make the integration easier f3 <- function( x ) { sqrt( abs( x[1]-3*x[2] ) ) } # has a cusp along the line x[1]=3*x[2] a <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f3, n=2, partitionInfo=TRUE ) str(a) # define problem specific spherical triangles, using direction of the cusp phi <- atan(1/3); c1 <- cos(phi); s1 <- sin(phi) S <- array( c(1,0,c1,s1, c1,s1,0,1, 0,1,-1,0, -1,0,-c1,-s1, -c1,-s1,0,-1, 0,-1,1,0), dim=c(2,2,6) ) b <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f3, n=2, S, partitionInfo=TRUE ) str(b) # estAbsError here is 1/6 of above with approx. the same number of function evaluations
# test of polynomial integration f(s)=s[1]^2 f <- function( s ) { return( s[1]^2 ) } n <- 3 # integrate over whole sphere S <- Orthants( n ) a <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f, n, S ) b <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d( f, S ) # exact answer, adaptIntegrateSphereTri approximation, adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d approximation sphereArea(n)/n; a$integral; b$integral # integrate over first orthant only S <- Orthants( n, positive.only=TRUE ) a <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f, n, S ) b <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d( f, S ) # exact answer, adaptIntegrateSphereTri approximation, adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d approximation sphereArea(n)/(8*n); a$integral; b$integral # example of specifiying spherical triangles that make the integration easier f3 <- function( x ) { sqrt( abs( x[1]-3*x[2] ) ) } # has a cusp along the line x[1]=3*x[2] a <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f3, n=2, partitionInfo=TRUE ) str(a) # define problem specific spherical triangles, using direction of the cusp phi <- atan(1/3); c1 <- cos(phi); s1 <- sin(phi) S <- array( c(1,0,c1,s1, c1,s1,0,1, 0,1,-1,0, -1,0,-c1,-s1, -c1,-s1,0,-1, 0,-1,1,0), dim=c(2,2,6) ) b <- adaptIntegrateSphereTri( f3, n=2, S, partitionInfo=TRUE ) str(b) # estAbsError here is 1/6 of above with approx. the same number of function evaluations
Exact integration of polynomial over sphere or ball in n-dimensions.
integrateSpherePolynomial(p, valueOnly = TRUE) integrateBallPolynomial(p, R = c(0, 1))
integrateSpherePolynomial(p, valueOnly = TRUE) integrateBallPolynomial(p, R = c(0, 1))
p |
a list specifying the coefficients and powers of the polynomial. See details below |
valueOnly |
boolean saying whether to return only the value of the integral, or return both the value and a intermediate terms. These intermediate terms are used by integrateBallPolynomial( ). |
R |
inner and outer radius of the annular region: R[1] <= radius <= R[2]. |
Compute the exact integral over the sphere in n dimensions of
a polynomial
p(x[1],...,x[n])=sum (coef[i] * x[1]^k[i,1] * ... * x[n]^k[i,n]),
where the sum is over i=1,...,m. The polynomial is specified as a list p
with fields
coef, an m-vector of doubles
k, an (m x n) matrix of integers
m and n are given implicitly in the sizes of these arrays output is normally just a number, the value of the integral. If integrateSpherePolynomial is called with valueOnly=FALSE, a list with two fields:
integral, a double containing the value of the integral
term, a vector of length m of values used in function IntegratePolynomialBall( )
normally just returns a value of the integral, but if
valueOnly=FALSE, it will return a list containing the value and intermediate terms. These
intermediate terms correspond to the integral of each monomial term in the polynomial; they
are used by integrateBallPolynomial()
integrateBallPolynomial( ) returns just the value of the integral.
Method is from How to Integrate a Polynomial over a Sphere, by G. Folland (2001), MAA Monthly 108, pg. 446-448.
n <- 3 # specify the polynomial p(x) = 1.0 * x[1]^2 * x[2]^0 * x[3]^0 + 7.0 * x[1]^0 * x[2]^3 * x[3] p <- list(coef=c(1.0,7.0),k=matrix( c(2L,0L,0L,0L,3L,0L), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2) ) integrateSpherePolynomial( p ) integrateBallPolynomial( p ) # compare to adaptive integration f4 <- function( x ) { return( x[1]^2 + 7*x[2]^2*x[3] ) } adaptIntegrateSpherePolar( f4, n )$integral adaptIntegrateBallPolar( f4, n )$integral
n <- 3 # specify the polynomial p(x) = 1.0 * x[1]^2 * x[2]^0 * x[3]^0 + 7.0 * x[1]^0 * x[2]^3 * x[3] p <- list(coef=c(1.0,7.0),k=matrix( c(2L,0L,0L,0L,3L,0L), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2) ) integrateSpherePolynomial( p ) integrateBallPolynomial( p ) # compare to adaptive integration f4 <- function( x ) { return( x[1]^2 + 7*x[2]^2*x[3] ) } adaptIntegrateSpherePolar( f4, n )$integral adaptIntegrateBallPolar( f4, n )$integral
Approximate the integral of a function f(x)=f(x[1],...,x[n]) over the unit sphere in n-space using Stroud's method of degree 11.
integrateSphereStroud11(f, n, ...)
integrateSphereStroud11(f, n, ...)
f |
function f(x)=f(x[1],...,x[n]) to integrate |
n |
dimension of the space, implemented for n in the range 3:16. |
... |
optional arguments passed to f( ). If these are specified, they should be labeled with a tag, e.g. param1=3.4 |
This method works if the integrand is smooth. If the function changes rapidly, adaptive integration can be tried as described in 'See Also' below.
A single number, the approximation to the integral.
Stroud integration and related functions, adapted from fortran code by John Burkhart found at
Based on the book by A. H. Stroud, Approximate Calculation of
multiple integrals, 1971, page 296-297.
, adaptIntegrateBallPolar
, adaptIntegrateSphereTri
f2 <- function( x ) { return(x[1]^2) } integrateSphereStroud11( f2, n=3 )
f2 <- function( x ) { return(x[1]^2) } integrateSphereStroud11( f2, n=3 )
Convert between polar and rectangular coordinates in n-dimensions. The point (x[1],...,x[n]) in rectangular coordinates corresponds to the point (r,phi[1],...,phi[n-1]) in polar coordinates.
polar2rect(r, phi) rect2polar(x)
polar2rect(r, phi) rect2polar(x)
r |
a vector of radii of length m. |
phi |
angles, a matrix of size (n-1) x m. |
x |
(n x m) matrix, with column j being the point in n-dimensional space. |
n dimensional polar coordinates are given by the following:
rectangular x=(x[1],...,x[n]) corresponds to
polar (r,phi[1],...,phi[n-1]) by
x[1] = r*cos(phi[1])
x[j] = r*prod(sin(phi[1:(j-1)]))*cos(phi[j]), 2 <= j <= n-1
x[n] = r*sin(phi[1])*sin(phi[2])*...*sin(phi[n-2])*sin(phi[n-1])
This is the defintion used in Wikipedia under the topic 'n-sphere'. There are variations of this definition in use. Here phi[1],...,phi[n-2] are in [0,pi), and phi[n-1] is in [0,2*pi). For multivariate integration, the determinant of the Jacobian of the above tranformation is J(r,phi) = r^(n-1) * prod( sin(phi[1:(n-2)])^((n-2):1) ); note that phi[n-1] does not appear in the Jacobian.
For polar2rect( ), an (n x m) matrix of rectangular coordinates.
For rect2polar( ), a list with fields:
r |
a vector of length m containing the radii |
phi |
angles, a matrix of size (n x m) |
x <- matrix( 1:9, nrow=3 ) x a <- rect2polar( x ) a polar2rect( a$r, a$phi )
x <- matrix( 1:9, nrow=3 ) x a <- rect2polar( x ) a polar2rect( a$r, a$phi )
Calculates the (n-1) dimensional surface area of a sphere and the n dimensional volume of a ball in n-space.
sphereArea(n, R = 1) ballVolume(n, R = 1)
sphereArea(n, R = 1) ballVolume(n, R = 1)
n |
Dimension of the space. |
R |
Radius of the sphere/ball. |
Single number that is the area of the sphere/volume of the ball.
sphereArea(n=5) ballVolume(n=5)
sphereArea(n=5) ballVolume(n=5)
These functions are not intended for general use, they are only listed here to document their existence.
adaptIntegrateCheck is used by the adaptive integration functions to check input parameters, partitionRegion is used by the 'split' versions of the the adaptive integration functions, nextGraySubset is used by IntegrateSphereStroud11, nextMultiIndex is used by adaptive integration functions, nextBinary is used by Orthants.
adaptIntegrateSphereCheck( n, lowerLimit, upperLimit, R, xstar, width ) partitionRegion( xstar, width, lowerLimit, upperLimit ) nextGraySubset( gray.list ) nextMultiIndex( j, size ) CheckUnitVectors( S, eps=1.0e-14 ) Orthants( n, positive.only=FALSE ) SubdivideSphereTriByOrthant( S, eps=1.0e-14 ) nextBinary( b )
adaptIntegrateSphereCheck( n, lowerLimit, upperLimit, R, xstar, width ) partitionRegion( xstar, width, lowerLimit, upperLimit ) nextGraySubset( gray.list ) nextMultiIndex( j, size ) CheckUnitVectors( S, eps=1.0e-14 ) Orthants( n, positive.only=FALSE ) SubdivideSphereTriByOrthant( S, eps=1.0e-14 ) nextBinary( b )
n |
dimension of the space |
lowerLimit |
lower angular limit for integration region |
upperLimit |
upper angular limit for integration region |
R |
inner and outer radii for integration region |
xstar |
directions where function changes rapidly |
width |
width of subdivisions |
gray.list |
list used by Stroud integration |
j |
current multi-index |
size |
length of multi-index |
S |
a matrix or array specifying simplices |
eps |
tolerance used in test for unit vectors |
positive.only |
logical; if TRUE, only the first orthant is returned, if FALSE, all 2^n orthants are returned |
b |
a vector of integers, representing a number in base 2 |
returns an array of simplices in the V representation; each one gives the points on the axes that are on the boundary of one orthant.
performs validity checks on the simplices in S.